"Black Squares"

“Welcome to my photographic universe to which I named Black Squares”.

A monochrome world, mainly dedicated to landscapes, with a keen interest in the spaces that surround us. In it, urban and rural landscapes coexist indistinctively, and are captured in timeless images seeking to reveal the often-overlooked richness of our environment.

"Black Squares"

michel rollin

“At the end of my professional life, I trained in photography with professionals, in France and abroad. I devote a large part of my time to it today.
After exploring several photographic “genres”, notably the sometimes “engaged” one of street photography, I gradually moved towards a more distanced and constructed practice, at the same time further removed from agitation and movement.

A photo interests you ? Contact me !

“Black and white photography takes time out of the equation.”

- Jason Peterson -

” My favorite thing is to go where I’ve never been.”

- Diane Arbus -

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