“Black Squares”

“Black Squares”

“Welcome to my photographic universe to which I named Black Squares”.
A monochrome world, mainly dedicated to landscapes, with a keen interest in the spaces that surround us. In it, urban and rural landscapes coexist indistinctively, and are captured in timeless images seeking to reveal the often-overlooked richness of our environment.

Geometry inherently organizes space, and thus holds a special place in collection, guiding my photographic approach that stands, form-wise, on two pillars:

The duality of black and white, an essentialist approach that goes straight to the point, inviting the viewer to consider the work through the prism of simplicity and free interpretation.

The square format, a pure and stable geometrical figure, symbolizing the harmony and the serenity that I seek to convey through my photos.

Time for you now to wander within these black squares. My hope is that you appreciate their content, their unacademic aesthetic at times, and the simplistice and quiet atmosphere that emanates from the places they capture, often little known or atypical, but definitely worthy of interest. »

– Michel ROLLIN –
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