About Us

“At the end of my professional career, I took an interest in photography and trained with several professionals. Today, I devote a large part of my time to this artform.
After exploring several photographic “genres”, notably street photography, I gradually migrated towards a more distanced and calmer practice, further removed from agitation and movement. Landscape photography came naturally to me. I have always been sensitive to the relaxing and timeless atmosphere that emanated from the photos of some masters of this artform and, founders of the genre: their way of thinking undoubtedly contributed to orienting my choices.

Beyond postcard photography, I chose to focus on the decor of our daily life, be it
rural or urban, to highlight its unseen aesthetic and what it can often evoke in terms of wonder and reverie. My landscape photography is therefore open to all elements surrounding us. Geometry that governs space organizes my compositions. But my approach aims to suggest rather than describe, seeking to create an atmosphere
that trumps the “bigger colorful image”, victim to its “glow-up” via post-processing.
I therefore stick to a representation devoid of touch-ups or embellishment, of forms that are often familiar and yet aesthetically interesting and potentially suggestive. To this end, my choice is two-fold: that of black and white, removing us from everyday realities
composed of colors, and encouraging us to escape into the essentials. Then that of the geometrical square, an element of balance and harmony, in which this geometry that I like thrives completely, within simplicity. »
– Michel ROLLIN –
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